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Young People Internship Initiative

What will you get if you join this program?

If selected, you will gain:


  1. On-the-job work experience for 2 months
  2. Opportunity to apply your skills acquired in the real world of work and contribute to company’s business growth
  3. Mentorship and coaching provided by your supervisor and professional coaches throughout the period of the internship


*Transportation refund and office space (including internet connection) will be provided.


Please apply if you meet ALL criteria below:

      Is an active U-Reporter

      Aged between 18 to 24 years old by the time of application. 

      Possess at least PLE certificate, and at least 2 years of secondary education (with evidence from the last report card)

      Currently being NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training in the last one school calendar)

      Living in Kampala districts of Uganda

      Completed at least 5 lessons from the U-Report Fundoo learning platform

      Possess experience in community action and/or youth volunteering

      Ability to clearly demonstrate WHAT is the area and HOW a person can contribute to the host company as an intern

      Proficient in English 


How can you apply? 


Please read below carefully and follow the steps. Submit all items requested at the time of application.


1.   Fill in all required information in this APPLICATION FORM and click “Submit” on the bottom of the page. This includes the submission of the video as indicated within the Application Form.

2.     Send a set of screenshots of Fundoo chatbot tasks completed on U-Report (minimum 5, share as pictures) to ureportuganda.digital@gmail.com with subject line reading “Young People Internship Initiative 2024 Application – Last name”.



Applications must be sent no later than: Tuesday 21st May 2024, at 11:59 pm East African Time

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.