Hi! We want to hear your experience on the climate change crisis to help us inform UNICEF and partner's work and advocacy at the 27th Conference of Parties
Reply YES to participate,
Please tell us, what measures have you or your community put in place to prevent these climatic changes from happening?
5,320 responded out of 7,235 polled
Please tell us, how can the local leaders support you to prevent these climatic changes from happening? (Please type your response here)
3,749 responded out of 4,327 polled
In your community, what do you think young people can do to help people adapt to the effects of climate change? (Please type your response here)
4,326 responded out of 5,320 polled
Please tell us, how the current government programmes in your community can be utilized to support youth mitigate climatic change? (Please type your response here)
3,092 responded out of 3,749 polled
Have concerns about climate change impacts made you reconsider whether you'd like to start a family?
What would be your message to world leaders for the upcoming COP27 climate summit?
2,091 responded out of 2,362 polled
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