Greetings U-Reporter, UNICEF and partners would like to get your feedback about violence against women and girls. All messages are completely FREE!
Would you like to participate? Reply YES or NO
How important are men and boys in ending SGBV against women and girls?
A). Very important
B). Important
C). A bit Important
D). Not important
E). I do not know"
You selected "other" - in which ways do you think that you, yourself, can support the fight to end gender based violence?
30 responded out of 39 polled
Do you know the different mechanisms, institutions or referral pathways through which you can report cases of violence against women and girls?
1). Yes
2). No
3). am not sure
If you, or someone you know, was victim of gender based violence, which ones of the following channels would you use or recommend to use, because you trust them and consider that they would support you?
You selected "Other" - If you, or someone you know, was victim of gender based violence, which channels would you use or recommend to use, because you trust them and consider that they would support you?
24 responded out of 31 polled
Thank you for participating. You too can help fighting gender-based violence! Do not tolerate any violence against women, girls (or boys!) and report any case to the Child Helpline on 116, police, para-social worker, LC1, or GBV helpline on 0800 199 195.