"Due to the presence of girls at home, FGM is one of the qualification for marriage and also due to poverty force marriage can take place" U-Reporter Moroto district
FGM is done to "Follow cultural rules and commands as directed by clan leaders" U-Reporter Nakapiripirit district
"Its a cutting year and therefore other girls think they are respecting their culture" U-Reporter Kween district
"The season has not started yet. FGM begins in November every even year" U-Reporter Kween district
"FGM is taking place in the community more especially in a busy areas like trading centers, small markets were people are many, some men attract the attention of girls for love in exchange for money" U-Reporter Moroto district
"Latest was done in Kenya and unfortunately among the five girls two lost their lives and the cutters and the parents were arrested" U-Reporter Amudat district
"Cutting starts early December in most communities where FGM was carried out" U-Reporter Bukwo district