Great! What is the main reason you feel the learner is ready to return to school?
A. Isn't learning at home
B. Misses friends & teachers
C. Misses co-curricular activities
D. Doesn’t like being at home
E. Other
What is the main reason you do not want learners to go back to school?
A. Anxiety about coronavirus.
B. Doesn’t like school.
C. Likes being at home
D. Other, please tell us
Why will you send them to school?
A. I feel it is safe to go back to school
B. I can’t take care of the children at home
C. School is important
D. Other, please tell us
What are the main reasons you will not send learners to school when they open? A. I'm scared they might catch coronavirus B. I'm scared for my own health if they catch corona C. I need them to help at home D. They are working E. Other
What are you most worried about for your child when schools open?
A. Crowded classrooms B. No handwashing C. Using transport to school D. Sleeping in a crowded dormitory E. Other
Please tell us the other things you are most worried about for your child if schools open
445 responded out of 484 polled
During school closure, how much time did the learner/s spend learning every day?
A. Nothing
B. less than an hour
C. 1-2 hours
D. 2-3 hours
E. more than 3 hours
What do learners use most to help them learn? A. Radio B. Television C. MoES home learning materials D. Newspapers E. Internet F. The school sends work G. Other
What do the learners in your home do the most during school closure?
A. Learning
B. Playing
C. Housework
D. Farming
E. Paid work
F. Time with friends
G. Other