Please tell us why you think it is more expensive to educate a girl child than a boy child?
3,597 responded out of 4,698 polled
In your community, how are girls from poor or disadvantaged families helped or supported to go to school, stay in school and complete school?
5,422 responded out of 6,819 polled
Please tell us, why is the change of negative cultural values, customs and traditions very slow?
4,448 responded out of 5,422 polled
What are some of the cultural practices in your community that are stopping girls from attending school and leading to drop out of school?
4,074 responded out of 4,448 polled
What can be done to have men and boys as ALLIES or supporters to girls and women as they push for women’s empowerment and gender equality?
3,473 responded out of 4,074 polled
Please share with us examples of how boys and men have supported girls education in your community
3,064 responded out of 3,473 polled
Dear U-Reporter, R the schools & education institutions in your community friendly to leaners with Special Leaning Needs e.g blind, deaf, lame? Reply YES or NO