Dear Girl Education Club Patrons, TMF thanks you for the support to the GEC members & the great work of promoting education for girls and boys in your school!
0 responded out of 218 polled
We want 2 work with u & GEC members to conduct a GBS campaign. Plz make time 2 meet the club members today to get started. Reply OK when u r ready. SMS's r FREE
43 responded out of 218 polled
Great!! Dear Patron/Matron, kindly ask club members: WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON REASON WHY YOUR FRIENDS DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL? Reply with the answers they give you
34 responded out of 43 polled
PLEASE ASK THE CLUB MEMBERS: How can we help our friends to stay in school and avoid drop out?
29 responded out of 34 polled
Dear Patron, please discus with the club members what actions they are going to take as a club to bring children back to school. Reply with at least 4 actions.
23 responded out of 29 polled
LET'S TAKE ACTION! Over the weekend & next week, plz work with club members to identify children out of school & bring them back. Record them in the GBS books!
10 responded out of 23 polled
Trailblazers Mentoring Foundation says THANK YOU for your support. We shall chat again next week! Cheers!!!