Dear U-Reporter, so many children go missing from their families and homes to be forced into a life of child labour. This practice is called CHILD TRAFFICKING.
0 responded out of 12,556 polled
CHILD TRAFFICKING is sometimes done by adults that a child trusts. Make sure you know & trust the adults who interact with children at home, school & community.
0 responded out of 12,551 polled
Is child trafficking happening in your community? Please answer YES or NO
If Yes: Please tell us what happened. Remember all answers are anonymous
146 responded out of 241 polled
Give three (3) reasons why child trafficking practices happen in communities
223 responded out of 295 polled
What actions should be taken by parents/guardians, caregivers, teachers, health providers, community & religious leaders, media, NGO's 2 stop CHILD TRAFFICKING?
201 responded out of 223 polled
Do you know where to report if you see or hear about a child that has been trafficked? Please answer YES or NO
If Yes: Please tell us where to report if you see or hear about CHILD TRAFFICKING
114 responded out of 120 polled
Plz report CHILD TRAFFICKING cases to the nearest Police Station, Gender Action Group, Community Monitor, Local Council or call Child Helpline on 116 its FREE
94 responded out of 190 polled
Parents/Guardians, Teachers, Community Leaders should talk to children so they know whats happening in the children's lives & protect them fm CHILD TRAFFICKING.
46 responded out of 190 polled
Children affected by CHILD TRAFFICKING should receive understanding & love from family & community members who can help them get psycho-social support.